Thursday, November 12, 2009

Authorizations in Change Management Service

To grant authorizations, Change Management Service (CMS) uses the User Management Engine (UME) in SAP J2EE Engine.

You can use CMS to perform the following UME actions. These UME actions allow you to create UME roles with special authorizations. For examples of roles in CMS, see Roles in Change Management Service .

The following UME actions are defined:

UME Actions in CMS

UME Action

Permitted Functions


This UME action grants you access to CMS.

This UME action serves as the basis for all further UME actions.


Release your own activities in SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio


Release other users’ activities in SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio



Add to queue

Unlock queue entries

Restore system state


Import check:


Forward to another track (the authorization for this function is checked in the target track)


Delete queue entries

Lock/Unlock Import Queue




Save domain

Update CMS



Save (new track)

Save as


Save (existing track)

Add/Delete runtime systems


Add/Delete track connections


UME action that allows you to edit all tracks, independently of track-specific UME actions


UME action for processing track-specific UME actions


Composite UME action that includes all other UME actions


The UME actions CMS.Export and CMS.Configure have now been replaced by more configurable authorization modules.

Previous UME action

Replaced by the following UME actions








End of Content Area

Roles in Change Management Service

For individual descriptions of the UME actions that you can use for your work in Change Management Service (CMS), see Authorizations in Change Management Service.

The following is a list of useful roles in CMS:

CMS Role Types


Assigned UME Actions

Privileges of the Role



Display import queues and transport histories in the Transport Studio

Display details of queue entries and logs.

Display configuration files in Landscape Configurator




Has all Guest privileges.

Release own activities in SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio

Quality Manager




Has all privileges of Guest.

Approve and reject software components in Transport Studio. Release foreign (third-party) activities in Developer Studio





Has all privileges of Guest.

Perform test imports, check-in, assemble, unlock queue entries, restore system state

Perform the critical functions Delete Queue Entries, Add to Queue, Import Older Versions, Forward to Another Track.





Has all privileges of Guest.

Perform all configuration functions at track level in Landscape Configurator



Combines all CMS privileges in one role


Users who have been assigned the CMS administrator role should also have J2EE Engine Administrator rights. All users who are CMS administrators should therefore be assigned to the J2EE Administrator group as well.


To configure the domain in CMS you need to create a CMS User. As well as the administrator rights for Component Build Service (CBS) and Design Time Repository (DTR), this user also needs the write permission for System Landscape Directory (SLD).

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Configuring the Change Management Service


Using the Change Management Service (CMS) with SAP NetWeaver usage type PI is optional. You can use it to transport Integration Builder objects. If you want to use CMS, you must perform some configuration steps first.


You can configure CMS for either repository objects or directory objects independently from each other.

The following sections only cover a basic and initial configuration of CMS for use with PI.


Do not use CMS and the Change and Transport System (CTS) at the same time, except when you migrate from CMS to CTS or vice versa.

Deploying the CMS Component

The CMS component is part of the SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure (DI). You find the sources for the DI deployment on SAP Service Marketplace at under SAP Support Portal ® Downloads ® SAP Software Distribution Centre ® Download ® Support Packages and Patches ® Entry by Application Group ® SAP NetWeaver ® SAP NETWEAVER ® SAP NETWEAVER 7.0 ® Entry by Component.

1. Choose Development Infrastructure.

2. Select the following components:

DI Change MGMT. Server 7.00

DI Component Build Server 7.00

DI Design Time Repository 7.00

3. Download the most current Software Component Archive (SCA) of each component.

4. Deploy the downloaded SCAs with your Software Deployment Manager (SDM).

Defining CMS Communication Users in PI (optional)

Different PI systems probably use different Integration Builder service users and passwords for communicating with CMS. If you want each of these systems to use the same service user name and password for CMS communication, but you do not want to modify each system’s service users, you can specify dedicated service users for CMS communication. To do so, use the following parameters in the exchange profile:

Do the following to avoid that passwords can be read as plain text in the exchange profile:


1. Export the exchange profile.

2. Change type from pwd to string in the file that contains the parameters

3. Import the modified file with option overwrite.

4. Delete the file that contains the readable passwords.

If you do not specify these parameters, the names and passwords of the Integration Builder service users (for example, PIDIRUSER and PIREPUSER) specified with the following parameters will be used:

Maintaining CMS Communication Users in CMS

To maintain the CMS communication user in CMS, perform the following steps:



1. Access the User Management area of the J2EE Engine of your CMS system and define the following roles and actions:

Role CMSDeveloper with actions CMS.Display and CMS.Export

Role CMSAdministrator with action CMS.Administrate

2. Choose the User Administration tab page of the J2EE Engine of your CMS system and define the dedicated service users for CMS communication you specified in the previous section as CMS users with role CMSDeveloper.

If you have not specified any dedicated service users for CMS communication, use the Integration Builder service users (for example, PIREPUSER and PIDIRUSER).

These service users are used by PI to send data to CMS. Therefore, their passwords must be the same in CMS and PI.


Make sure that the passwords you define for these two users in CMS match the passwords in your PI system. To do so, log on with both users to the J2EE login screen to make sure that the passwords are correct and that they do not need to be changed.

3. Define a CMS Administrator user with the role CMSAdministrator.

It is assumed that the CMS Administrator performs the customizing and the later transports. If you need to distribute administration tasks (for example, approval, transports) to different users, you have to define additional roles and users.


All users you created during the CMS setup must change their passwords at initial logon or must have set the flag No password change required.

Be aware that passwords are case sensitive.

Configuring a CMS Domain in CMS


Use the Landscape Configurator and configure

the CMS domain

the CMS server

the System Landscape Directory (as External Server)

Perform the following steps


1. Configure a CMS domain for PI in CMS as described in Configuring a Domain.

2. Configure the CMS server as follows:


a. Insert the CMS URL (server name and port of the CMS system)

b. Create a CMS user. The user allows CMS to connect to the PI systems.

This user (for example LSADMIN) must be maintained as service user in all PI systems (including SLD) with the same password. It requires the following ABAP roles:




Either restart the J2EE Engine after you have added the roles to the CMS user or wait until the group assignment has been transferred to the J2EE Engine.

Within CMS, it is assumed that there is only one central SLD for all Integration Builder systems of the CMS domain. If more than one SLD is used by the Integration Builder systems, you should choose the master SLD for the domain definition.


A CMS track can only be defined if all software component versions relevant for the track are available within the SLD of the CMS domain.

If you have installed the SLD on a standalone J2EE Engine (and not on an AS-Java including PI), you have to perform the following steps:


1. Use the Visual Administrator and open the component sap-com/*sld

2. Add the CMS user (for example LSADMIN) to the security role LcrInstance WriterAll or to the group SAP_SLD_ORGANIZER.

Activating CMS in the Integration Builder

Set or enhance the following exchange profile parameters to activate CMS for use with the Integration Builder. The CMS transport option will then be displayed in the Integration Repository and in the Integration Directory.

Normally, these parameters must be set only in systems that are planned to be inserted into the development tracks. In all other systems, the transport should be organized by CMS.

Integration Repository

To be able to use CMS for repository objects, perform the following steps:


1. Ensure that the following parameters are available and set to true in your development and consolidation systems; do not change these parameters in production systems:

Determines that the option of transporting change lists with CMS is provided on the user interface.

Determines that the CMS transport is provided by the export wizard.

2. Add the following value to*


Do not replace existing values here. Just add the new one.

Integration Directory

To be able to use CMS for directory objects; perform the following steps:


1. Ensure that the following parameter is available and set to true in your development system:

Determines that the CMS transport is provided by the export wizard.


The transport of change lists with CMS is not supported for the Integration Directory.

2. Add the following value to*


Do not replace existing values here. Just add the new one.

3. Ensure that the following parameter is available and set to true in your consolidation system:

Determines that the option of transporting change lists with CMS is provided on the user interface.

Do not change any of these parameters in production systems.

Defining Development Tracks in CMS

For information on defining a development track for PI in CMS,

Specify the tracks as follows:

For the Integration Repository, specify http://:/rep/

For the Integration Directory, specify http://:/dir/

End of Content Area

Configuring the Change and Transport System


Using the Change and Transport System (CTS) with SAP NetWeaver usage type PI is optional. You can use it to transport objects of the Enterprise Services Repository and the Integration Directory. If you want to use CTS, you must perform some configuration steps first.

You can configure CTS for either repository objects or directory objects independently from each other.

The following sections only cover a basic and initial configuration of CTS for use with PI.

More information: Transporting Objects from SAP NetWeaver PI by Using CTS.


Do not use CTS and the Change Management Service (CMS) at the same time, except when you migrate from CTS to CMS or vice versa.

More information about CMS: Configuring the Change Management Service.

Defining CTS Communication Users in PI (optional)

Different PI systems probably use different repository and directory service users and passwords for communicating with CTS. If you want each of these systems to use the same service user name and password for CTS communication, but you do not want to modify each system’s service users, you can specify dedicated service users for CTS communication. To do so, use the following parameters in the exchange profile:

These properties are used to change the user and password for CTS and CMS at the same time.

Do the following to avoid that passwords can be read as plain text in the exchange profile:


1. Export the exchange profile.

2. Change type from pwdto string in the file that contains the parameters

3. Import the modified file with option overwrite.

4. Delete the file that contains the readable passwords.

If you do not specify these parameters, the names and passwords of the repository and directory service users (for example, PIREPUSER and PIDIRUSER) specified with the following parameters will be used:

Configuring the CTS-Based Export

The following properties are used to configure the CTS-based export:[ibrep|ibdir].core.cts.enableClTransport = [true|false]:

This property specifies whether the CTS-based transport should be offered within the change lists area[ibrep|ibdir].core.cts.enableTransportWizard = [true|false]:

This property specifies whether the CTS-based transport should be offered within the Transport Wizard area

To activate one of these properties, add (not replace) the following string to the client property


Transporting Objects from SAP NetWeaver XI by Using CTS


With the Change and Transport System (CTS) you can transport the following objects from SAP NetWeaver XI with the CTS transport request.

Integration Repository design objects

Integration Directory configuration objects

ABAP Mappings

ABAP proxies for Integration Repository message interfaces are usually created in another SAP system that belongs to the Integration Repository. A transport in which message interfaces from the Integration Repository and corresponding ABAP proxies are to be transported in a transport request is therefore not possible with the procedure described here.

More information: Non-ABAP Transports in Change and Transport System (BC-CTS)


There are two variants for SAP NetWeaver XI transports using CTS with the following system prerequisites:

For systems based on SAP NetWeaver XI 7.0 (after SPS13), transports can only be executed using CTS without having to manually copy the transport files. This case is described in this documentation.

For systems based on SAP NetWeaver 2004 (after SPS14), you can implement CTS on a separate system based on SAP NetWeaver 7.9 SPS12 as Transport Server and execute transports in this way. In this case, however, the export files must be copied manually into a transport server directory. Also, up to SAP NetWeaver 7.0 SPS11, you must define two transport routes.

One for ABAP objects of SAP NetWeaver XI system (SAP system in TMS: virtual system)

One for non-ABAP objects of SAP NetWeaver XI system (SAP system in TMS: non-ABAP system)

More information see the SAP Developer Network under ® How-to Guides ® End-to-End Process Integration ® Enabling Platform Interoperability ® How to Transport Repository and Directory Content Using CTS+ (SDN user required).

In addition the CTS transport must be activated for each SAP NetWeaver XI system that is to be connected with the CTS transport landscape.



1. Consider in advance which systems are to be involved in your transport landscape for the transport of objects from SAP NetWeaver XI. A basic configuration is necessary for all these systems to be able to operate CTS with SAP NetWeaver XI tools.

2. You must configure source and target systems to automate the transfer of objects from SAP NetWeaver XI to CTS in source system export and to be able to control the import of objects into target systems using CTS.

3. To execute transports, use SAP NetWeaver XI tools for exporting objects in a transport request for CTS and CTS tools for performing transports.

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Transports Using the Change and Transport System (New)

Technical Data

Function is


For release

Software Component

Component: SAP NetWeaver

Release: 7.0

Support Package: 13

Assignment to application component



Country Setting

Valid for all countries


In this Support Package and higher, you can include the following SAP NetWeaver XI objects in one Change and Transport System (CTS) transport request and transport them together:

Integration Repository design objects

Integration Directory configuration objects

ABAP Mappings

This also enables you to use some of the advantages of CTS that were previously not supported when transporting SAP NetWeaver XI objects, for example the modeling of complex transport landscapes.