Saturday, December 15, 2007

mySAP Supply Chain Management

Certification Requirements Solution Consultant mySAP Supply Chain Management
- Order Fulfillment ( SD )2002

Software components: SAP R/3 4.6C Certification duration: 3 hours Number of certification questions: 80 multiple choice questions Required certifications for participation in this certification test:
Please note that you are not allowed to use any reference materials during the certification test (no access to online documentation or to any SAP system).
The certification test Solution Consultant mySAP Supply Chain Management - Order Fulfillmen 2002 verifies the knowledge in the area of the mySAP Supply Chain Management solution for the consultant profile Order Fulfilment. This certificate proves that the candidate has a basic understanding within this consultant profile, and can implement this knowledge practically in projects.
The certification test consists of questions from the areas specified below:

Topic Areas

1. Special Business Transactions (+)

Availability Checking Consignments Backorder Processing

2. Integration (+)

Organizational Structures SD/FI interface SD/MM interface

3. Reporting (+)


4. Billing (++)

Credit/Debit Memos Billing Plans Billing due List Billing Document types Account Determination

5. Pricing (++)

Rebate Processing Condition Technique General Pricing Processing and Configuration Condition Records Pricing Procedure

6. Master Data (++)

Customer Master Material Master Customer Material Information Record Customer and Product Hierarchies

7. Shipping (++)

Basic Delivery Processing Picking, Packing and Goods Issue Scheduling Routes and Route Determination

8. Sales Processing (+++)

Basic Sales Document Processing and Configuration Contracts Copying Control Partner and Output Control Item Categories and Schedule Line categories

9. ASAP (+)

Accelerated SAP-Overview

10. Experiences from Implementations (Case Study or Project)* (+)

Setting Up Company Structures (organizational units in Integration and Dependencies
* = In topic area 10, you will be tested on cross-topic implementation and integration issues. Implementation and integration knowledge that refers to a specific area (such as Picking, Packing and Goods Issue) will be tested in the relevant topic (such as Shipping).
Weighting Key in the Test:
+ = 1 - 10% ++ = 11 - 20% +++ = over 20%

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