The SAP Technical Operations Manual does not provide clear details on all the steps involved in stopping/starting your XI system. Now SAP released the details in Note 870864 and have updated the Technical Operations Manual with all the steps.
Since the Integration Builder, Integration Server, and System Landscape Directory (SLD) are all based on the standard SAP Web Application Server (with SAP J2EE Engine), they are started together with the SAP Web Application Server (SAP Web AS) when installation procedures are followed.
Tools for Starting and Stopping
Software Component | Tool | Detailed Description |
System Landscape Directory | Choose Administration ® Start/Stop Server at http:// | After you have installed SAP Exchange Infrastructure you must configure the SLD and then start it manually. Afterwards it restarts automatically if it stops at any point (see Installation Guide – SAP Exchange Infrastructure Release 3.0). You can also start the SLD explicitly, for example, when the SAP J2EE Engine is restarted or when there is a request for the SLD. After the SLD is started, you must ensure that the self registration tool for the technical systems is running. |
Integration Server (including Business Process Engine and Integration Engine) | No special tool; started/stopped automatically when its SAP Web AS host starts/stops. | When the Integration Server is started, it registers itself in the SLD. |
Integration Builder | No special tool; started/stopped automatically when its SAP Web AS host starts/stops. | When the Integration Builder is started, it registers itself in the SLD. |
Runtime Workbench | No special tool; started/stopped automatically when its SAP Web AS host starts/stops. | The Runtime Workbench registers itself in the SLD when it is started. |
Adapter Engine | No special tool; started/stopped automatically when its SAP Web AS host starts/stops. | When the J2EE-based Adapter Engine is started, it registers itself in the SLD. |
Plain J2SE Adapter Engine | Starting: In the installation directory of the Adapter Engine, execute run_adapter.bat (Windows) or run_adapter.cmd (Unix). Stopping: Choose Shutdown Adapter Engine in the main menu at http:// This must be performed from a browser running on the | The Plain J2SE Adapter Engine registers itself in the SLD when it starts. For instructions on setting up the Plain J2SE Adapter Engine for continuous operation, see |
Adapters running within the Plain J2SE Adapter Engine | Starting: Choose the adapter in question under Available Adapters at http:// Stopping: Choose the adapter in question under Available Adapters at http:// | When an adapter starts, it registers itself in the SLD. |
Basic configuration steps are performed during the installation of SAP Exchange Infrastructure 3.0. The SAP Exchange Infrastructure 3.0 – Installation Guide and the SAP Exchange Infrastructure Configuration Guide explain these steps and describe checks to verify that the XI landscape is functioning properly.
Stop Procedure
To stop the various components of your XI system, perform the following steps:
1. If you use the Business Process Engine (BPE), first refer to Starting and stopping the BPE.
2. Stop the message flow from your sending systems where possible. If the sending system uses proxies, you can follow steps 3 to 6 to stop the message flow.
3. Lock the Integration Server for incoming messages by calling the transaction Integration Engine – Administration (SXMB_ADM) and choosing Integration Engine Configuration ® Specific Configuration ® Change ® New Entries. Select the category RUNTIME and then the parameter ENTRY LOCK: Set the current value to 1 (LOCKED) and choose Save.
If you set this parameter, messages that have already been received will still be processed.
4. Deregister the queues of your XI system by calling the transaction Integration Engine – Administration (SXMB_ADM) and choosing Manage Queues. Select Deregister Queues and choose Execute action.
5. Monitor the remaining entries in the queues by calling the qRFC Monitor Inbound Queue (transaction SMQ2) until no more queues are listed.
6. Check the tRFC entries by calling the transaction Transactional RFC (SM58) until the list is empty.
7. Stop the Plain J2SE Adapter Engine (if used).
8. Decide if you want to stop the non-central Adapter Engine (if used at all). This is an optional step with the following advantages/disadvantages:
○ Advantage of stopping
No errors occur during the downtime of the Integration Server. However, the sending systems will not be able to address the Adapter Engine and no files will be polled from the file system.
○ Advantage of not stopping
All messages with quality of service EO (Exactly Once) and EOIO (Exactly Once in Order) that enter the non-central Adapter Engine are persisted during the downtime of the Integration Server. However, they have to be manually restarted afterwards.
9. Decide if you want to stop the Partner Connectivity Kit (PCK) (if used at all). This has the same advantages/disadvantages as those outlined in step 7.
10. Stop the Integration Server.
Start Procedure
To start the various components of your XI system, perform the following steps:
1. If the SLD is running on a different host and has been stopped for maintenance reasons, you need to start it.
2. Start the Integration Server.
3. Wait until the J2EE Engine and all XI-related services are started.
This process can be monitored with the Visual Administrator.
a. Choose Server ® Services ® Deploy.
b. Choose Applications on the right-hand side.
4. Start the Plain J2SE Adapter Engine (if used).
5. Restart the non-central Adapter Engine and/or PCK (if used and stopped at all). If you did not stop them, access the message monitor and manually restart the messages with errors.
6. Register the XI queues by calling the transaction Integration Engine – Administration (SXMB_ADM) and choosing Manage Queues. Select Register Queues and choose Execute action.
7. Open the Integration Server for incoming messages by calling the transaction Integration Engine – Administration (SXMB_ADM) and choosing Integration Engine Configuration ® Specific Configuration ® Change ® New Entries. Select the category RUNTIME and then the parameter ENTRY LOCK: Set the current value to 0 (NOT LOCKED) and choose Save.
8. Call the qRFC Monitor Inbound Queue (transaction SMQ2) and check the status of the queues. The correct status is "RUNNING". It might take several minutes before this status appears.
9. Check for messages with an error status in the Adapter Engine, in the Integration Server, and in your business systems (if used) as follows:
a. Call the Runtime Workbench from the XI start page.
b. Choose Message Monitoring.
c. Select the following options as required:
■ Adapter Engine
■ Integration Server
■ Proxy Runtime
10. Check your integration processes (if used) by calling the transaction Business Process Engine – Monitoring (SXMB_MONI_BPE) and choosing Restart Process After System Crash.
11. If a cache refresh was performed and was still running when the Integration Server was shut down, call the transaction XI Directory Cache (SXI_CACHE) and check for errors by choosing XI Runtime Cache ® Display Refresh Error.
12. If your sending systems were stopped, you need to restart them; if they use ABAP proxies, apply steps 6 to 8.
13. Check for errors on all sending systems.
14. If you use the Business Process Engine (BPE), also see Starting and stopping the BPE.
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